Zünd will exhibit a versatile entry-level solution as well as a fully automated, industrial leather-cutting system for maximum productivity.
Cutting efficiency and material yield are becoming increasingly important for staying competitive in the leather industry. At Simac, being held from 19-21 February in Milan, Italy, Zünd will exhibit its all-encompassing leather-cutting offering based on the its modular cutter concept.
Cutter, tooling, nesting software, projection system, software-directed picking and sorting – customers decide what should be included in their Zünd cutting system, based entirely on their specific production needs. And these may vary significantly from one customer to another. In shoe manufacturing, for instance, cutting often involves more than just leather materials. Insoles, outer soles, and other components can be cut to shape with one cutting system. Zünd cutting solutions profoundly change the processes involved in shoe manufacturing, making them far less labour intensive. Even though Zünd cutters are systematically geared towards fully automated production, they nevertheless allow for gradual implementation with semi-automated options. The result is more throughput in less time.
In Industry 4.0 in general, and modern leather cutting in particular, barrier-free data flow is key to establishing efficient production workflows. For customers looking for a complete software solution including nesting, Zünd offers MindCut Studio. The software automatically optimises cutting contours and cut paths depending on the material used as well as the choice of tools. With the integrated nesting function, parts are laid out on the leather automatically, which ensures optimal material usage. In view of rising leather prices and limited availability, optimum material utilisation is essential for economical leather cutting.
Another game changer is the time required for cutting the material. With the D3 series, Zünd offers an exceptionally powerful cutting system. The dual-beam D3 system is capable of cutting whole hides twice as fast as a single-beam cutter. In conjunction with the projection system for visualising cut parts and MindCut Studio, the Zünd D3 is the ideal cutting solution for customers looking for highly automated, ultra-productive leather cutting.
MIDCOMP (+27 11) 789 1222 sales@midcomp.co.za http://www.midcomp.co.za