Zünd Presenting Latest Developments In Modular Cutting Solutions For Composites

Zünd Presenting Latest Developments In Modular Cutting Solutions For Composites

As specialists in digital cutting for composites applications, Zünd demonstrates how data management, digital cutting, and downstream processes such as picking, sorting, and kitting, can be automated intelligently and based on specific needs.

In Industry 4.0 in general and processing composites in particular, an unencumbered flow of data is key to workflow efficiency. With Zünd PreCut Center, the user is well equipped to handle the challenges of demanding manufacturing processes. The software automatically optimises contours and adjusts cut paths depending on the material and choice of tools. With the integrated nesting function, parts are laid out automatically for optimal material utilisation. Considering the high cost of materials, maximum yield is essential for economical digital cutting.

With Pick&Place, Zünd presents a cost-effective solution for fully automated picking and kitting of cut parts. The Pick&Place interface enables direct communication with the robot via Zünd Cut Center – ZCC, the Zünd operating software and user interface. Pick&Place makes it possible to completely automate parts removal, kitting and placing. The necessary parameters are derived from the metadata supplied with the job order.

Zünd is the cutting system of choice in the automotive and aerospace sector. Capable of delivering the utmost in cut quality and performance, Zünd cutting systems are systematically geared towards fully automated digital production workflows; even so, they allow for gradual implementation with a wide array of semi-automated solutions.

Carbon or glass fibre, semi-finished products such as prepreg or thermoplastic organo sheets, honeycomb, rigid foamcore and auxiliary materials are all part of the wide variety of materials used in the composites industry. The fact that they can all be cut on a single, multi-functional system from Zünd makes Zünd cutting solutions truly unique. Zünd will exhibit these solutions at JEC World 2022 in March.

Tel: +27 11 789 1222
Email: sales@midcomp.co.za
Website: http://www.midcomp.co.za

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