Wrap Of The Week: Tailifts South Africa

Wrap Of The Week: The Cows

Sign Africa takes a weekly look at some of the most unique wraps. This week’s wraps are Pitts planes wrapped and sponsored by Tailifts South Africa in support of The CHOC Cows, which helps raise funds for the CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa.

‘Our partnership with the Cows aerobatic team speaks to our brand and also our intention. We are committed to doing great work and having fun doing it. We are also committed to raising funds for those who are not able to, through illness or circumstances beyond their control,’ said Natalie Joubert, Process Analyst, Tailifts South Africa.

Tailifts raises funds through riding the 947 Cycle Challenge in cow suits while pushing and pulling an ice cream bike along the cycling route.

If you would like to feature in our weekly highlights, send your eye-catching wraps to Thapy@practicalpublishing.co.za

Wrap Of The Week: The Cows

Wrap Of The Week: The Cows

TAILIFTS (+27 10) 045 0620 info@tailifts.com tailifts.com

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