WITPAC Showcases Weed-Ex Weeding System

WITPAC’s Weedex Weeding System saves time and cost.

The new Weed-Ex weeding system increases productivity by reducing material loss due to mistakes in weeding.

The process, which was showcased at FESPA 2018, is as follows: the flexfilm is laminated twice and cut with CoCutPro software, which recognises the in and outlines. The software allows users to cut the material with different settings at the same time.

The outline will be cut as usual, but the in-line will be cut twice. The first carrier will be cut through. The in-line will stick on the second carrier while the user peels off the first one. The end result is a completely weeded product that requires no weeding of the in-lines.

WITPAC www.witpac.de 

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