Wasatch Introduces SoftRIP Version 7.6

Wasatch introduces SoftRIP Version 7.6.

Wasatch SoftRIP Version 7.6 introduces improvements to handling of spot colour replacement, a new tool to create swatch books from a SoftRIP colour database, and enhanced Automation Option. An improved installer imports printer settings automatically, making updating to a new version worry-free and easier than ever before.

Spot Colour Replacement

Version 7.6 is 100 times more precise when doing spot colour replacement to printer inks. The precision of this direct-to-output tool has been increased to utilise the entire capability of Wasatch’s underlying engine.

Colour Swatch Books

Spot Colour databases are important for many printers, and Version 7.6 offers a tool that allows a swatch book to be generated from any colour database in SoftRIP.

Improved Automation Option

Wasatch’s Automation option has improved performance, including features to enable touch-screen interfaces for enhanced production workflow.

Import Settings Seamlessly

The Update installer in Version 7.6 provides a quick and automatic way to import printer settings and configurations from an old installation.

More Languages

Wasatch SoftRIP is sold in over 120 countries being the most widely used and globalised digital printing software in the world. Updates to colour profiling documentation have been translated into 35+ languages.

WASATCH www.wasatch.com

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