Using Workflow To Adapt To Change In A Print Environment

Adapting To Change In A Print Environment

Solimar Systems outlines how leveraging workflow software technology in the print environment can help businesses adapt to change.

Like many around the globe, the print production and digital delivery industries continue to feel the winds of change in 2021. For those running printing environments, the challenges of managing print production continue. These challenges include unplanned variation in the volumes of work as well as staffing and facility access issues. In addition, clients are seeking new content and messaging capabilities while being better able to monitor the status of their work.

The shift to remote working in the last 12 months has been easier to manage for workers that typically do most of their work from an office; however, the print industry has requirements for operators and skilled workers to be onsite working with equipment on the production floor. Staffing challenges have forced some companies to change their hours of operation.

Solimar believes there are two key things every print production environment should consider. First, an organisation should be able to select and get started with a modern and flexible print management solution without needing a significant investment in professional services. Second, an organisation should be able to efficiently integrate PDF workflows to support forward-looking revenue opportunities for both printing and digital communication.

Your next step? Analyse your workflow: spend time to revisit how work, orders and jobs come into your print production environment. Track how jobs are received and processed (both manual and automated steps); how problems or concerns are resolved and how work is completed and delivered via print and electronically to the final customer. You will find opportunities where having more automation, visibility, remote control and reporting would be very beneficial to your business.


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