Trotec South Africa Announces New Version Of Cutting Software


With JobControl Cut, Trotec offers a package for high-quality and efficient laser cutting – directly integrated into JobControl. CAM functionalities such as kerf correction, lead-in flags, path optimisation or node processing enable highly productive and precise laser cutting.

The cutting software is designed for engravers and ensures Trotec customers are even more profitable in their businesses. JobControl 11.2 also features the latest version of Trotec motion control, OptiMotion+. This feature is renowned for its highly productive laser cutting and engraving. With the new software update, the Trotec Speedy 400 can now engrave at speeds of 4.3m/s at best quality. Four point fonts, for example, are engraved sharply and are clearly legible.

The resolution was also improved to 2540 dpi – the laser fires 2540 times per inch now. A typical application for this new feature is engraving of high-resolution screen printing clichés or for annealing metal with a fibre laser. With 2540dpi, even more laser energy can be applied to the same area in comparison to 1000dpi – more than 2.54 times. As a result, aluminium can now be annealed.

At very high engraving speed, oscillations within the laser machine can occur. In some cases these oscillations can overlay unfavourably and cause stripes. In order to optimise the engraving result for this high speed, Trotec has integrated the patented MeshEngraving into the latest version of JobControl. This enables best engraving quality at maximum speed. This is especially relevant for fibre laser applications.

JobControl Cut also allows for new possibilities of file preparation. Time-consuming pre-processing in non-cutting-specific graphics programmes such as CorelDRAW or Adobe Illustrator is no longer required. Cut lines can be deleted, individual elements moved or geometries optimised directly in the laser software.

With JobTime Calculator, engraving and cutting times are already calculated before the laser is started. This planning tool enables even better and more accurate pre-calculation. In addition, JobControl Vision module has been optimised for the SP2000 and SP3000 large format lasers: the laser head now moves upwards for the process step of registration mark recognition. The field of view of the camera is thus enlarged and the registration marks are read faster and better. Thanks to the remote interface, system integration of the laser into a production situation is possible without any problems.

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