Tritone Graphics Uses Drytac Vinyls For Truck Wrapping Campaign


Tritone Graphics have been tasked with wrapping around 80 trucks and are using Drytac Polymeric vinyl PDB54164 and Drytac Weathershield Polymeric Laminate PGE54164 from Midcomp Consumables for this project. Printing of the wraps, which was outsourced, was done with a HP Latex 1500.

Wrapping time depends on the size of the truck, but a 13m truck usually takes approximately three hours. For this campaign, about 40 trucks of various sizes from Johannesburg and Durban have been wrapped so far, which took two weeks. Another 40 trucks from Cape Town are being wrapped next.

According to Tritone owner and director Victer Kerslake, Drytac Polymeric products are suited to printing with Latex technology and produce sharp and bright colours, ‘This vinyl is a brilliant white. It is self-adhesive, very easy to apply and is bubble-free. The vinyl also leaves no residue when removing, which meets the project’s additional requirements, which are to change the truck graphics over time. The vinyl is also extremely easy and forgiving to apply, which helped with timing, especially on a large fleet, where timing is the key to get the trucks out as fast as possible.’

Weathershield high performance polymeric PVC overlaminating films have a cross linking solvent acrylic adhesive fortified with UV stabilisers and absorbers. They use more complex plasticisers than less expensive monomeric PVC films, resulting in significantly improved durability and weatherability as well as minimal shrinkage and odour due to plasticiser migration resistance.

Drytac Polymeric vinyl PDB54164, also known as Polar Premium Air White, has a unique permanent adhesive with bubble-free technology, which makes for an easy install. The high opacity of the product provides an excellent printing surface and offers a consistent white point. This phthalate-free film also offers excellent indoor and outdoor durability. The product has either a gloss or matte finish with a permanent adhesive.

No challenges were experienced with the material or the print quality of the machine. ‘The only problem we experienced was truck availability, as it is always a challenge due to the trucks having to be on the road 24/7. This means staying in contact with the various fleet managers at any given time and constantly rearranging scheduling,’ said Kerslake.

With the HP Latex 1500 printer, users can print wallpaper, window graphics, textile, vinyl vehicle wrapping and more, achieving high-quality large format printing and fast turnarounds.

Tritone Graphics has completed numerous projects of this large magnitude before. ‘With our track record, we have been able to streamline the turnaround time in getting the trucks out a lot quicker. Again, this was due to the vinyl being so forgiving as well as the speed of the HP Latex 1500.’

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