Canon Solutions announced that three Océ Arizona® series printer models received the Specialty Graphic and Imaging Association (SGIA) Product of the Year Award, marking the eighth year in a row that an Océ Arizona Series printer has been honoured with this award since the product line began shipping in 2007. The awards were presented at the SGIA Expo held October 22-24 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Océ Arizona series printers won in the following categories:
• Océ Arizona 318 GL, UV Flatbed.
• Océ Arizona 318 GL, UV Flatbed Plus White.
• Océ Arizona 6170 XTS, UV Flatbed Plus White.
Product of the Year is awarded based on a comparison of outputs from competing devices using a common test file designed by SGIA. The prints are reviewed by a panel of judges, each with a background and expertise in digital printing and imaging. The judges look for colour appeal, detail and tonality, and the output is also judged on how closely it matches the test print. These printers and more were all showcased at the Canon Solutions America booth during SGIA Expo.
The entry image was processed using ONYX® Thrive Océ Edition print workflow software, a scalable print production solution based on Adobe® PDF Print Engine technology. ONYX Thrive software manages the wide format print production workflow process offering print service providers accurate, predictable, high quality printing results, helping to reduce costly errors.