Take A Deeper Look Into The Inkjet World With Thunderbolt Solutions’ Roadshow

Take A Deeper Look Into The Inkjet World With Thunderbolt Solutions Roadshow

Indicators are that inkjet printing will grow exponentially over the next few years on all printed materials, including packaging, because of innovative high-performance technology that is available in the market. Thunderbolt is now diving deeper into inkjet technology with their roadshow in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. 

They have secured international inkjet presenters from their various principals such as Agfa, Komori, Kyocera and Screen to discuss current and future trends and this will also be a learning opportunity for curious minds. Topics covering low-cost production to product automation will be discussed and all questions will be answered by industry experts.

The roadshow dates are:
– Johannesburg: 9 and 10 May, Wanderers Club.
– Durban: 11 May, Mount Edgecombe Country Club.
– Cape Town: 12 and 13 May, King David Mowbray Golf Club.

Speakers include:

– Bui Burke: Senior VP Sales, Screen Europe.
– Deon Wepener: Expert Production Print Solutions, Kyocera Europe.
– Edi Venturin: Regional Business Manager, Agfa.
– Gareth Wheeldon: Sales Executive, Komori UK.

Register here to attend.

+27 11 657 7000

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