Tag: verdigris
Printing Businesses Must Work Together
According to Laurel Brunner, writing for the Verdigris Project, Covid-19 is not the first virus to bring devastation to communities and it will not...
Calculating Print’s Carbon Footprint Is Increasing
Laurel Brunner from The Verdigris Project says we have ISO 16759 (Quantification and communication for calculating the carbon footprint of print media products), published in...
Read The Latest Edition Of Sign Africa Journal Online
The latest edition of Sign Africa Journal is online. The front cover story focuses on Stixo Signage Supplies and its impressive growth in only...
Graphics Professionals Need To Be Aware Of Their Environmental Footprint
According to Laurel Brunner from the Verdigris Project, there is no room to hide behind the idea that climate change is not as bad...
Maintaining Sustainability In The Graphics Sector
Laurel Brunner from the Verdigris Project has emphasised that - as far as the graphics industry is concerned - not much progress has been...
Spreading The Sustainability Message: Part 1
We’ve heard it from brands, environmental groups, consumer associations and governments and more recently credit card companies. This article, by Laurel Brunner, Verdigris Blog,...
Sign Africa Journal Feature: A Licence To Print
As the graphics industry’s technological infrastructure comes together, brand owners are driving project designers and printing companies more assertively. But brand owners themselves are...
Environmental Thinking On A Bigger Scale
Imagination, ideas and technological innovation are what progress is all about. We care about what we understand, what we know, so we generally focus...
Dignity In Rags: Exploring The Environmental Impact Of Textile Printing
By all accounts the textile printing business is set to explode, thanks to digital printing technologies. For instance, Fibre2fashion, analysts for the fashion industry,...