Tag: text

Solimar Systems Updates Flagship Document Re-Engineering Software

Solimar Systems Updates Flagship Document Re-Engineering Software

The enhancements to Rubika version 4.5 encompass a variety of features that make it easier for companies to manage, modify, and deliver their business...
How Digital Signage Can Enhance Employees Mental Health

How Digital Signage Can Enhance Employees’ Mental Health

According to Omnivex's Jennifer Gvozdek, writing for Digital Signage Today, digital signage offers a dynamic platform for communication within the workplace. Mental health significantly impacts...
Axaio Announces Software Update

Axaio Announces Software Update

Axaio MadeToTag is an Adobe InDesign plug-in to properly prepare InDesign documents for export as an accessible, tagged PDF file. The company has announced...
DTM Print Upgrades Edible Ink Printer

DTM Print Upgrades Edible Ink Printer

DTM Print’s Eddie Edible Ink Printer – an FDA and EU approved food printer – is now capable of printing on even taller items...
Axaio Announces New Version Document Export Solution

Axaio Announces New Version Of Document Export Solution

Axaio’s new MadeToTag version 2.5.117 mainly contains optimisations of the table feature as well as some adjustments to the UI, which simplifies working with...
Metamark Vinyl And Laminates Applied For Charity Project

Metamark Vinyl And Laminates Applied For Charity Project

Whitby Lifeboat crews have been saving lives for at least 200 years and have been recognised with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution’s (RNLI) medal...
Markzware Announces New Platform To Convert Files

Markzware Announces New Platform To Convert Files

Markzware announced the release of QXPMarkz 2022 Mac, part of Markzware’s new Markz-Line, which offers the ability to convert QuarkXPress 2022 on the macOS...
Callas Software Update Allows Users To Take Full Advantage Of PDF:A Conversion

Callas Software Update Allows Users To Take Full Advantage Of PDF/A Conversion

PdfaPilot 11 now offers a unified concept for defining page areas to harmonise configuration possibilities in checks and fix-ups, especially regarding barcodes, creating and...
Purchase Considerations For Large Format CAD Printers

Purchase Considerations For Large Format CAD Printers

According to Epson, when it comes to buying a CAD printer, there are two things to consider: do not buy based on cost, and...
EFI Installs Range Of Printing Solutions

EFI Installs Range Of Large Format Printing Solutions

According to Bruno Arasa, CEO at Hélio Corbeil, the company want to be able to provide a set of unique and complete services to...