Tag: sytech

Metamark Digital Film Used In Rally Car Project

Metamark Digital Film Used In Rally Car Project

MetaCast® MDC, a premium cast digital film featuring MetaGlide® adhesive, was used in a vehicle wrapping project. Jonathan Dudley and his team run D-Sign Studio...
Metamark Vinyl Chosen For Endurance

Metamark Vinyl Chosen For Endurance

Metamark MD5, a high performance grade polymeric calendered self-adhesive vinyl for printers using a whole range of inks, was used by FDS Graphics Ltd. The...
Metamark Material Used In Security Vehicle Project

Metamark Material Used In Security Vehicle Project

Metamark material was used in a security vehicle project. Birmingham based Abbey Signs (Midlands) Ltd. delivers livery for a security vehicle that’s impossible to...
Metamark Material Used For Vehicle Wrap

Metamark Material Used For Vehicle Wrap

MetaCast MDC, a premium cast digital film featuring the MetaGlide® adhesive, was used in a vehicle project. Bridgend based Elite Signs and Graphics recently...
Metamark Vinyl Brightens Vehicle Project With Colours

Metamark Vinyl Brightens Vehicle Project

Metamark 7 Series High Performance Calendered sign vinyl was used in a vehicle project. The series is a premium grade polymeric calendered coloured vinyl,...
Metamark Vinyl Proves Efficient In Vehicle Project

Metamark Vinyl Proves Efficient In Vehicle Project

Metamark 7 Series High Performance Calendered Sign Vinyl was used in a vehicle project. Smuj Creative turns often to the Metamark M7 Coloured SignVinyl swatch for...
Metamark Film Benefits Charity Cause

Metamark Film Benefits Charity Cause

MetaCast MDC cast digital wrap film with MetaGlide® was used in a charity vehicle project. Signs Express Newcastle was recently approach by a designer supporting...
Metamark Wrapping Media And Overlaminate Used To Wrap Barrels

Metamark Wrapping Media And Overlaminate Used To Wrap Barrels

Metamark’s MetaWrap MD-X Cylinder Cast digital wrapping media with Blockout ‘MetaScape’ System as well as Metaguard MG-X Cylinder Cast digital wrapping overlaminate were used...
Metamark Media Improves Hospitals View

Metamark Media Brightens Up Children’s Ward’s View

Metamark Digital Media with MD5-A and MG-700 laminate was used in a hospital project. Swansea based Pro-Grafix and Valley Signs and Engraving joined forces and...
Metamark Vinyl Applied In Racing Project

Metamark Vinyl Applied In Racing Project

Metamark MD5A High Performance Digital Vinyl with 'MetaScape' adhesive system was used in a vehicle project. In the early 80s, Group 2 and Group 4...