Tag: kemtek

Kemtek Announces New Laser Marking Solution

Kemtek Announces New Laser Marking Solution

The widinovations widlaser F200, available through Kemtek Imaging Systems, allows users to mark several materials in a single process, with a double point motorised...
Kemtek Demonstrates Label And Sign Printer At Launch Event

Kemtek Demonstrates Label And Sign Printer At Launch Event

Kemtek Imaging Systems hosted its exclusive launch of the Rebo SMS-R1, a high-speed, multi-colour and easy-to-use label and sign printer that boasts a wealth...
Kemtek Launching Label And Sign Printer

Kemtek Launching Sign And Label Printer

The Rebo SMS-R1 is a high-speed, multi-colour and easy-to-use sign and label printer that boasts a wealth of time and money saving features. Highly...
Kemtek Resume Delivery Schedules Following Unrest

Kemtek Resume Delivery Schedules Following Unrest

Kemtek Imaging Systems is slowly returning to its standard delivery schedules across the country, but still anticipates some minor delays with stock transfers between...
Kemtek And Epson Invite You To A Whole New Signage Experience

Live Webinar: Kemtek And Epson Invite You To A Whole New Signage Experience

For this free live webinar, Kemtek and Epson invite you to expand your portfolio with the new SureColor SC-R5010 and the SC-5010L resin ink...

Kemtek Imaging Systems Announce New Website

Kemtek have redesigned their website to give it a clear and contemporary look and feel. They have reworked the navigation so users can find...

Kemtek Showcasing Scanning And Cutting Innovation At GPS Pop Up Activation

Kemtek will showcase its Brother ScanNcut SDX-1200 machine at the upcoming Graphics Print Sign (GPS) Pop Up Activation, being held from 29 October –...

Digital Printing Is Revolutionising How Businesses Grow Their Print Output

Kemtek Imaging Systems’ and HP Indigo’s upcoming free webinar will focus on the true flexibility of digital print to not only provide the best...

How To Harness The True Profit Potential Of Digital Print

Kemtek Imaging Systems and HP Indigo invite you to discover how digital printing is revolutionising the way many businesses manage and grow their print...

Kemtek And Epson Webinar Outlines Large Format Printing Solution

Kemtek and Epson South Africa recently hosted an online session where attendees were shown the new Epson SureColor signage and display range. Presented by Vernon...