Tag: flatbed

Intec Unveils New Flatbed Cutter

Intec recently launched its new ColorCut FB8000PRO. Its automated features allow operators to leave the machine unattended while focusing on other tasks. Using the...

Roland DG Corporation Showcasing New Printing Solutions

Roland's wide portfolio of solutions continue to grow following the addition of the new TrueVIS VG2 series and VersaUV LEF2-200, renowned for their capabilities...
Maizey Plastics Annouces Exciting Changes For 2019

Maizey Plastics Announces Exciting Changes For 2019

2019 is looking to be a major year for Maizey Plastics, which has announced changes to its top management. The dynamic leadership team will...
Maizey Plastics announces new appointments.

Maizey Plastics Announces New Appointments

As part of its aim to evolve and further improve customer experience, Maizey Plastics has announced a number of new appointments. The company is...
EFI Vutek LX3 Pro raises productivity.

EFI Vutek LX3 Pro Raises Productivity

The installation of an EFI VUTEk LX3 Pro hybrid flatbed/roll-to-roll LED inkjet printer is expected to to significantly increase U.S. based Premium Color Group’s...
swissQprint unveiling new Karibu at FESPA 2019.

swissQprint Unveiling New Karibu

swissQprint has announced that a new dedicated roll to roll printer will make its debut at FESPA Munich during May. Technical specifications for the...
EFI Launches Pro 24f True Flatbed LED Printer

EFI Launches Pro 24f True Flatbed LED Printer

The new EFI Pro 24f true flatbed LED printer has been shown for the first time at the SGIA Expo in New Orleans. The printer...

swissQprint Announces Launch Of Oryx LED

The Oryx LED is the latest generation of Swiss UV flatbed printers and will be available from November 2017. LED technology extends the range of...

swissQprint Announces Launch Of Oryx LED

The Oryx LED is the latest generation of Swiss UV flatbed printers and will be available from November 2017. LED technology extends the range of...

EFI Debuts New Products

Electronics For Imaging (EFI) has launched a number of products, including the Reggiani ReNOIR FLEXY, an industrial textile printer. In addition, EFI is presenting...