Expand A Sign Introduces 1M Flexi Disc
Expand a Sign launched the new 1M Flexi-Disc, an innovative, functional, compact and flexible item for effective 360º branding. The versatile design allows the
Expand A Sign Supports ‘Doors to Freedom’ Walk
Expand a Sign donated shirts, bags and banners to the Open Door Crisis Care Centre (ODCCC) ahead of their ‘Doors to Freedom’ walk from Durban to Johannesbur
Expand A Sign Opens Mpumalanga Branch
Expand a Sign welcomed its first Middleburg and Witbank-based branch on board. John and Jhalmine Myburgh head up the Middleburg office and are responsible for s
Expand A Sign Celebrates Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day in South Africa (SA) is linked with 21 March 1960, and the events of Sharpeville. On that day 69 people died and 180 were wounded when police f
Expand A Sign Supports SANBS
Expand a Sign is a proudly socially responsible company who regularly take part in initiatives to give back to deserving organisations.
One such organisati
Expand a Sign Hosts National Boundary Buddy Roll-Out Campaign
Boundary Buddy’s national roll-out has commenced with official launches into the three main cities, namely Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg. Interest is hig
Expand A Sign Supports World Youth Rhino Summit
Expand a Sign are passionate about rhino conservation and recently supplied branding including bandanas, table cloths and banners to the inaugural World Youth
Expand a Sign Partners With Boundary Buddy
Expand a Sign and Boundary Buddy announced their partnership that saw ‘Boundary Buddy powered by Expand a Sign’ roll out nationally on 20 November 2014.
Expand A Sign Raises Money For Cancer In Amashova Cycle Race
Kent Brink and Wade Bartlett from Expand a Sign completed the 106km Amashova Cycle Race on single-speed postman bicycles in a time of 6h20min all in aid of rais
Expand A Sign Launches CANVEX
Expand a Sign recently added CANVEX Customised Wallpaper to their extensive offering.
CANVEX allows you to keep your décor fresh and make a statement in any