Tag: cutting

Zund introduces new Over Cutter Camera.

Zund Introduces New Over Cutter Camera

Sequentially capturing register marks to determine position and possible distortions of printed graphics is time consuming, particularly in applications that require a lot of...
New EFI Mini Textile Factory Provides Unique Offering For Industrial Textile Digital Printing

New EFI Mini Textile Factory Provides Unique Offering For Industrial Textile Digital Printing

The new EFI Mini Textile Factory encompasses design, print preparation, printing, image fixation and cutting with an integrated set of solutions from EFI and...
Zund D3 Dual Beam System Offers Cutting Solution

Zund D3 Dual Beam System Offers Cutting Solution

With two beams, each carrying up to three different modules, the D3 system can process any number of materials including multilayered, woven and non-woven...
SA International Announces New Software Packages.

SA International Announces New Software Packages

SA International (SAi) has announced a worldwide agreement with cutting technology giant, Graphtec, to supply three newly-created cutting software packages with the company’s entire...
Zund Hosts Zund Experience Days 2017

Zund Hosts Experience Days 2017

The Zund Experience Days 2017, a three-day event held for the first time ever at Zund headquarters in Switzerland, presented a multi-faceted programme geared...
FESPA Africa And Sign Africa 2017: Stand-By-Stand Guide

FESPA Africa And Sign Africa 2017: Stand-By-Stand Guide

We've compiled a useful guide of product highlights being displayed at FESPA Africa 2017, co-located with Sign Africa, and taking place from 13-15 September...

Roland Showcasing Multitude Of Innovations At Sign Africa Zambia Expo

Sign Africa platinum expo sponsor Roland is showcasing a large number of solutions at the Sign Africa Zambia Expo, taking place from 8-9 June...

Canon Launches Océ Auto Pilot

At FESPA 2017, Océ Auto Pilot will be launched and demonstrated in live production of finished applications using printed output from the Arizona 6170...

Zund Reports Positive Feedback From FESPA In Hamburg

Zund premiered its laser module designed for cutting polyester textiles at FESPA in Hamburg. The company also showed finishing solutions to the wide format...

Trotec South Africa Hosting Open Day And Training Day In Cape Town

Trotec South Africa will be in Durbanville, Cape Town, for two days: the main Open House event on 20th May from 8am until 7pm - everyone is welcome; as well as