Tag: canon
Canon South Africa Continues Path Towards Carbon Neutrality
Canon South Africa has set the target to reduce the lifecycle carbon emission from its products by 3% every year. In the EMEA region...
Putting Print At The Heart Of The Brand Experience
James de Waal, head of Marketing Business Imaging Group, Canon South Africa breaks down the role of graphics in creating seamless brand experiences. ...
Signs Are One Of The Top Applications Produced By Wide Format Print Service Providers
James de Waal, head of marketing business imaging group, Canon South Africa, states that signs are one of the top applications being produced by...
How To Boost A Company’s Reputation And Transform Customer Experience
Michelle Janse Van Vuuren, marketing director at Canon SA, discusses navigating GDPR for marketing and assesses: the rise of personalisation, driving better ROI, building...
The Correlation Between Sustainability And Business Success
Dana Eitzen, corporate and marketing communications executive at Canon South Africa, discusses why a sustainable business is a successful business. Any change to how...
Canon Europe Launches New Océ Colorado 1650 Printer
The new 162.5cm (64 inch) production printer builds on the breakthrough productivity, output quality and media versatility of the Océ Colorado 1640, while delivering...
The Next Step In The Big Data Revolution For Businesses
Dana Eitzen, corporate and marketing communications executive at Canon South Africa, states that we should all be taking an action-first approach to big data....
Canon Fuelling Emotion With Print
The Océ Arizona 1380 GT model enables customers to produce an even broader range of applications working with almost any rigid or flexible media....
Read The Latest Sign Africa Journal Online
The latest edition of Sign Africa Journal is online. The front cover story focuses on Maizey Plastics, which has announced changes to its top...
Canon SA: Achieving Boosted Productivity And Meeting Demands For Faster Turnarounds Are Possible
James de Waal, head of marketing, business imaging group at Canon South Africa, states that the time for compromising between wide format productivity and...