Tag: Black Rhino

Exion Corp Installs CNC Machine

Exion Corp Installs CNC Machine

Following the Sign Africa Expo in Cape Town, Exion Corp installed a 2500 x 1300mm Black Rhino CNC machine, with mixed servo motors and...
Exion Corp Launched Neon Flex System At Sign Africa Cape Town Expo

Exion Corp Launched Neon Flex System At Sign Africa Cape Town Expo

Exion Corp launched its three-part Neon Flex System, an efficient and customisable option for the market, at the Sign Africa Expo in Cape Town,...
Exion Corporation Contributes To Anti-Rhino Poaching Efforts

Exion Corporation Contributes To Anti-Rhino Poaching Efforts

Exion Corporation has donated R10,000 to StopRhinoPoaching.com, an organisation committed to helping protect and conserve rhino in South Africa. The money was generated from...