SwissQprint’s Nyala Takes First Place In European Popularity Stakes

swissQprint’s Nyala Takes First Place In Europoean Popularity Stakes

According to Geneva-based market research institute Infosource, the Nyala from swissQprint was the most popular in its class in 2018, as it has been for the previous three years.

swissQprint’s flagship Nyala remains the first choice for graphic firms and industrial companies in Europe, as confirmed by Infosource. This puts Nyala at the head of its category: UV flatbed/hybrid printers > 152.4cm (60”) wide in the R2-8 million estimated price segment (EUR 130,000–500,000 price segment), compared to all brands surveyed in 2018.

Users attribute their choice primarily to the Swiss product’s versatility. Thanks to its modular design and a variety of options, Nyala is expandable to meet users’ needs. Moreover, it can grow along with them: retrofitting is possible at any time. A suitably equipped Nyala can cover a range of applications that would traditionally require a whole fleet of machinery.

Furthermore, swissQprint systems are proving reliable in terms of both system availability and output quality. With its low operating costs, a swissQprint machine used to capacity will soon start turning a profit – and continue doing so for many years thanks to its durability. Users quote this as a further plus-point in their investment decisions.

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