Sun Chemical Corporate Sustainability Report Outlines Progressive Environmental Commitment

Sun Chemical corporate sustainability report outlines progressive environmental commitment.

Sun Chemical’s 2017 Corporate Sustainability Report illustrate the work the company is doing to increase its use of bio-derived raw materials in its products and shows positive progress on its eco-efficiency goals.

Highlights from the report focus on Sun Chemical’s commitment to the development of eco-friendly solutions, including how:

-Solvent-based liquid inks use resins responsibly sourced from certified forests.
-Water-based liquid inks use bio-derived resins that do not impact ink performance.
-Printed biosensor technology detects levels of pyruvates in onions to determine pungency.
-Bio-based food colourants are using spirulina derived from photosynthetic bacterium.
-Its MirrorTech inks reduce waste by replacing metallised board with printable metallic ink.

‘Sun Chemical is committed to doing its part to be a sustainable organisation,’ said Michael Simoni, global product stewardship leader, Sun Chemical. ‘We want to show our customers that we are continuously working with suppliers and challenging ourselves to improve the eco-efficiency of our processes and products. Our latest sustainability report shows a variety of exciting ways we’re increasing the use of bio-derived raw materials in our products.’

The report outlines Sun Chemical’s sustainability roadmap, which uses a phased approach to improve the eco-efficiency of each production and non-production facilities’ processes and products by monitoring key metrics to understand and manage its environmental impact. Its internal key sustainability metrics measure: energy consumption/conservation, energy carbon footprint, process waste reduction, water consumption, material safety and employee safety.

‘Improving our manufacturing processes from production to distribution helps Sun Chemical uphold its reputation for quality, service and innovation while improving sustainability practices for our customers. It is a critical component of our sustainability policy,’ said Gary Andrzejewski, corporate vice president, environmental affairs, Sun Chemical. ‘Our commitment to sustainability drives us to provide our customers with meaningful data that they can use, and in turn help meet their environmental goals.’

The Sun Chemical sustainability report is available to customers and can be requested online at:


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