Summa Announces New Roll Cutter Product Line

Summa Announces New Roll Cutter Product Line

The S One Series is the next step in Summa’s mid-level roll cutting machines and replaces the former SummaCut roll cutter Series. To optimise quality, ergonomics as well as efficiency, the S One Series is built completely from the base, using the experience and know-how acquired over years of developing roll cutters.

The S One Series not only showcases a new, sleeker and more modern look, it also embodies add-ons and enhanced features for better quality, improved ergonomics and higher productivity.

The improvements and additions include:

– User-friendly GoSign software to manage cutting workflows with great flexibility.
– Efficient drag cutting head, allowing up to 600 grams of cutting force.
– Ergonomic touchscreen, allowing for effortless navigation.
– Robust OPOS Sensor, increasing the speed at which registration marks are read.
– Improved internal intelligence, minimising human errors and operator intervention.
– Ideal tracking performance for ultimate accuracy.
– OPOS Xtra functionality for flawless processing of very small sticker jobs.
– Smart FlexCut feature, enabling users to perforate material to remove the design out of its carrier easily.

The products developed by Summa stand out for their reliability, longevity and versatility. Faithful to this tradition and conviction, the new S One product line is built according to strict requirements, specific to Summa products. The series is designed with premium up-to-date components for long durability. Moreover, its combination of innovative features makes the S One roll cutter a flexible and future-proof unit, able to grow along with the customer’s business aspirations and goals.

Christof Van Driessche, Chief Commercial Officer, Summa added, ‘With the experience and  dedication  on board, Summa  continues  to  show true leadership as  a  supplier  of  high-end  cutting  solutions. The introduction of the S One roll cutter series is yet another milestone in Summa’s large history of legendary performance. The series will unquestionably bring added value and innovation to many sign makers’ cutting workflows.’


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