Speedwrap Contenders Test Their Skills At Sign Africa Durban Expo


Senzo Nzama was the overall winner of the Roland Speedwrap Challenge, held at the Sign Africa Durban Expo at the Durban ICC from 16-17 March.

Winner Senzo Nzama with Robbie Lambe, Roland Speedwrap judge, from Maizey Plastics.

Contestants had to race against the clock to wrap a vehicle door to the best standards. This event was brought to you by platinum sponsor Roland, vinyl sponsors Grafiwrap (distributed by Maizey Plastics) and show sponsor Sign Africa.

The Sign Africa Durban expo was sponsored by Roland and Stixo.

Roland DG
Tel: +27 11 875 9300
Website: http://www.rolanddg.co.za

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