Ricardo Phillips of Compu-Camm was announced as the winner and Wrap King of the Port Elizabeth Speed Wrap Challenge, held at the Sign Africa Expo on 27 March at the Boardwalk Convention Centre.
He won R3500, plus a trip to the Johannesburg Speed Wrap Challenge in September, where he will compete against other regional winners for a chance to participate in the 2020 FESPA Wrap Masters event in Europe.

Darryl Wilkinson of Orb Signs was placed second, winning R1750, and Dan Chimuteka of Compu-Camm came third, winning R1000. Contestants had to race against the clock to wrap a vehicle door to the best standards. The event was sponsored by platinum sponsor Roland, vinyl sponsor Grafiwrap (distributed by Maizey Plastics), Sign Africa and FESPA Africa.

Other Speed Wrap Challenges will be held in the following regions:
• Cape Town: 5-6 June, Cape Town International Convention Centre.
• Johannesburg: 11-13 September, Gallagher Convention Centre
SIGN AFRICA (+27 11) 450 1650 www.signafricaexpo.com