Solimar Systems’ Latest Update Enhances Printing Production


Solimar® Print Director® Enterprise (SPDE) version 9.3. introduces new capabilities and enhancements designed to support intelligent automation and improve efficiency, colour fidelity and overall performance in print production environments.

Key Highlights Of SPDE 9.3:

ICC Profile Support: SPDE 9.3 now allows users to specify a colour profile to use when rasterising documents using its PDF Interpreter. Colour profile and rendering intent options allow users to more tightly control output for specific printers or devices, enhancing colour accuracy.

Enhanced ReadyPDF Module: the ReadyPDF Optimisation module now includes the ability to create output conforming to various PDF/A standards. In addition, a new validation mode helps identify, trap and re-route problematic PDF files for special handling.

SPDE 9.3 introduces a new ReadyPDF feature that selectively renders complex PDF pages to full-page rasters before printing. This feature can help users produce revised content that might not otherwise be supported on a target printer.

The JDF Output module now supports certain device-specific features for Canon PRISMA and HP Elite controllers. New options in the Queue Manager offer expanded control over system-wide and application-specific inactivity periods.

SPDE 9.3 includes options to suppress Windows Event Log messages, potentially improving performance in environments in which IT controls trigger redundant event logging. SPDE also supports Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11, ensuring compatibility with the latest operating systems and promoting best practices for secure computing.

Mary Ann Rowan, Chief Experience Officer at Solimar Systems, stated, ‘SPDE 9.3 demonstrates our ongoing commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions for the print production industry. With enhanced colour fidelity, expanded PDF handling capabilities, and improved performance features, we’re confident that this release will significantly benefit our customers’ intelligent, automated workflows.’

SPDE 9.3 is available immediately for existing customers with current maintenance agreements.


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