Solimar Systems Announces Results Following Keypoint Intelligence Analysis Of PDF Optimisation Solution

Solimar Systems Announces Results Following Keypoint Intelligence Analysis Of PDF Optimisation Solution

Industry research and analyst consultancy, Keypoint Intelligence, rigorously tested Solimar Systems’ ReadyPDF® Prepress Server for its PDF file cleansing and optimisation capabilities on a variety of job types. The results show impressive reductions in PDF file sizes, decreased processing times and an uncomplicated approach to file optimisation.

Keypoint Intelligence tested ReadyPDF as part of its 2.0 testing protocol on nine mixed job types including transactional, direct mail and a 16 page brochure in colour and monochrome. The results show a significant 40% file reduction. As a further part of the product testing, Keypoint Intelligence ran jobs on five production printers. The time to process each file through the Raster Image Processor (RIP), which transforms the print stream into the format required by the printer, was substantially faster when working with files optimised by ReadyPDF. In production environments, the pressure is on the RIP to maintain recommended print speeds. Optimising files before sending them to the RIP can reduce the file size and complexity, effectively providing the RIP with more total output capacity.

‘ReadyPDF really is the ‘easy button’ for PDF optimisation,’ stated David Sweetnam, Director of Research and Lab Services at Keypoint Intelligence. ‘In fact, in the test cases mentioned here, we were using only the default settings built into the solution. Users can further customise these settings to be used as part of specific workflows or for specific purposes. Solimar Systems’ ReadyPDF is a solution that can plug into any existing workflow and deliver instant results to your print shop,’ he added.

PDF files for archiving and e-delivery are also improved when optimised by ReadyPDF as images can be downsampled to lower resolutions, which can reduce storage and email services costs. Digital delivery files, once optimised, are more compact and can enable faster download speeds for end-users.

Jonathan Malone-McGrew, Senior Director of Engagement at Solimar Systems, said, ‘Our award-winning ReadyPDF solution delivers the ultimate optimisation capability for variable marketing and transactional workflows. It processes files more efficiently, whether that be for production printing, e-delivery or archiving.’ Full results of the lab tests performed by Keypoint Intelligence Whitepaper on ReadyPDF Prepress Server tests can be downloaded here.


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