Signbox Exhibited Extrusions, Backing Boxes And Frames

SignBox Exhibited Extrusions, Backing Boxes And Frames

Signbox showcased aluminium extrusions for light boxes, backing boxes and fabric frames at the Sign Africa Expo, which ran from 13-15 September at Gallagher Convention Centre.

Visitors Could Learn More About The Following: 

With refined looks and versatility, the Classic Sign Box range of extrusions is suitable for internal, shopfront and building signs.

The Twin Sign Box double sided sign box extrusions make quick and easy suspended, projecting or freestanding signs.

The Tempo Textile Frames are extruded aluminium profiles for single sided textile frames. Displays can be illuminated or non-illuminated.

The Vogue Backing Box System is an innovative range of aluminium extrusions for large and small, single or double sided sign boxes.

The event was sponsored by Platinum sponsors Roland DG South Africa and Stixo Signage Supplies.

+27 11 824 0466

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