Serigrafia Diemme And Flexa Partner For Sustainable Future

Serigrafia Diemme And Flexa Partner For Sustainable Future

Serigrafia Diemme approached Flexa Srl to regenerate and enhance the quality and sustainability of its machinery. One of the many machines provided by Flexa is the EASY 160 laminator, acquired in 2007. This laminator enables the company to precisely and quickly laminate various materials, including the membrane keypad in the electrocontrol.

Francesco Polese, Flexa’s Service Manager, explained, ‘Serigrafia Diemme approached us for a diagnosis of their laminator, ensuring minimal machine downtime. After a thorough evaluation, within two days, we delivered a fully regenerated laminator.’

Niccolò De Vido, Director of Serigrafia Diemme, stated, ‘Rollers were replaced, alignment corrections were made, and a general maintenance of all mechanical and electrical parts was performed. We were pleasantly surprised by the end result and are satisfied with the professionalism and service provided by Flexa.’

Flexa can repair, restore and regenerate its machines to ensure their proper functionality. The regeneration of Flexa equipment offers numerous advantages, allowing companies to further extend the lifespan of their equipment, reducing material waste and minimising environmental impact.

Flexa Srl embraces the circular economy and integrates it into their services. The regeneratability and reusability of Flexa machines are thus an added value for companies aiming to be competitive and sustainable in the digital printing sector.

Flexa Distributors:

+27 11 451 8600

+27 21 510 8332

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