SAi has released a new software package that includes more than two dozen new productivity enhancing features and improvements, called EnRoute 5.1. The software includs new import filters, additional nesting options for the automatic Toolpath Processing (ATP) option and new parametric textures.
SAi EnRoute 5.1 users benefit from improved compatibility with a variety of popular CAD programmes. SAi EnRoute 5.1’s AutoCADDXF/DWG import filters now accommodate current AutoCAD objects, while both the Adobe Illustrator and Acrobat import filters have been updated to support current and legacy AI and PDF files, now supporting the import of layers.
EnRoute 5.1 features support for Caldera digital registration and contour cut as well as improved Onyx XML import. The new SAi EnRoute 5.1 can also take in Wavefront 3D OBJ files, a file format for exchanging three-dimensional designs between 3D graphics applications.
The software brings two new texture tools to design and create textures to apply to a 3D surface. The new Flow Texture produces a 3D surface with the random characteristics of a flowing fluid and the Phase Texture generates a distinct sequence of recurring waveforms. Each of these textures can be used as defined or further refined to achieve the precise texture the user is looking for.