SA International Announces Newest Version Of CAD/CAM Software

SA International Announces Newest Version Of CAD/CAM Software
SA International Announces Newest Version Of CAD/CAM Software

EnRoute 7 CAD/CAM software has a new and modern user interface geared to make workflows easier. The interface includes right click how to videos providing instant access to SAi training videos. SAi has also included a Cloud window in the new EnRoute interface that allows customers to easily manage their account, access support and connect them to the new EnRoute knowledge base.

EnRoute 7 is packed with all the features of SAi’s previous version of the software but now has a 64-bit engine, making the software faster and more productive and keeping shops moving at optimum efficiency.

Other efficiency-enhancing tools available to users are improved fill logistics as well as advanced editing tools. Additionally, EnRoute 7 now includes the flatbed distortion tool that cuts based on the location of printed fiducials, so no camera systems are needed.

SAi is currently offering EnRoute 7 as a subscription or traditional purchase. Current SAi EnRoute subscription users will be automatically upgraded to the new version free of charge.

Tel: +27 11 792 1348


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