Roland Launches MobiFab At Sign Africa And FESPA Africa Expo

Roland launches MobiFab at Sign Africa and FESPA Africa Expo.

Roland DG launched MobiFab, a 15m long mobile showroom known as the roadshow machine, at the Sign Africa and FESPA Africa Expo, held from 12-14 September at Gallagher Convention Centre.

It features two floors, is fully automated with stands and floors that go up and down, and can carry every machine that the company has on offer.

‘Quality customised products equal to, or if not better, with the input of the individual is now possible no matter where you reside,’ said Bob Glenister, CEO of Roland DG.

‘The ability to create quality items of value for your fellow traveller on this planet has never been easier. Gone are the days of knowledge shortage – the internet puts the worlds’ knowledge base at your fingertips, no trip to the library or to a college is required.

‘Digitisation of production techniques also remove the excuse of not having the manual dexterity. Digital production offers a precision that your ancestors took hours to achieve. The world enters a new domain. No more will you look to governments or charities, you will stand proud and say ‘I made this! Africa is filled with creative energy. Roland, along with Maizey Plastics and an extensive dealer network throughout Africa, intend to visit every nook and cranny in South Africa.’

Roland DG has some 47 countries throughout Africa within its dealer network, and the goal is for the truck to reach them all.

‘First South Africa and then the rest of Africa will now be exposed to a congruence of empowering forces. Be prepared to take charge of your world, and create things of beauty, utility and wonder. See you in your town soon,’ added Glenister.

See you in your town soon. Be prepared to take charge of the world, and create things of beauty, utility and wonder. MobiFab!’

Roland DG
Tel: +27 11 875 9300

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