The Roland VersaWorks Dual RIP and print management software now supports several additional Roland DG inkjet printers and printer/cutters.
Roland VersaWorks Dual RIP is currently bundled with the latest generation TrueVIS VG Series and SG Series of printer/cutters, the SOLJET EJ-640 high-production eco-solvent printer and the VersaUV LEF-300 UV-LED inkjet printer.
With immediate effect, the following additional models will include the latest Roland VersaWorks Dual when they are shipped:
– SOLJET PRO 4 XR-640.
– VersaCAMM VSi Series and SPi Series.
– VersaSTUDIO BN-20 and VersaEXPRESS RF-640.
– VersaUV LEJ-640, LEJ-640FT, LEC Series and LEF-20.
– Texart RT-640.
VersaWorks Dual builds upon the intuitive, easy-to-use capabilities of VersaWorks to provide high-quality printing while adding enhanced processing and editing functions to ensure faster RIP times and increase even further the efficiency, quality and ease of production. Yuko Maeda, division president of Roland DG business development unit notes that Roland VersaWorks Dual enables users to work not only with PostScript® files, but also allows for native processing of PDF files, which have become popular in commercial printing. This ensures transparency effects are processed accurately and saves time by avoiding the need for additional editing processes such as flattening.
White and clear ink layers can be generated automatically in the RIP, ideal for use in producing transparent window graphics, stickers and personalised accessories with special effects. This functionality simplifies artwork creation and the need for design software in order to create speciality colour artwork. For even greater accuracy, special colour correction adjusts the position and size of special colour data for perfect registration.
Features such as offset, positioning, rotation and registration of ink layers can be easily configured in the RIP as well, without the need to return to graphic design software. In addition to saving time, the ability to accurately translate intricate artwork in the RIP also helps print service providers to work more efficiently with their clients as they no longer need to return artwork to the designer for additional editing. Particularly helpful for larger print businesses is the possibility to connect an unlimited number of users to VersaWorks Dual.
In addition to these exciting new features, VersaWorks Dual still offers all of the powerful, useful tools of VersaWorks including smart nesting to minimise media usage and tiling with overlap for positioning accuracy, helpful when printing graphics for large installations. Also featured are a panel rotate function for consistent colour over long print runs, Variable Data Printing to enable the quick and easy customisation of individual items within a print run, plus Pantone and Roland Colour System Libraries for simplified colour matching, and much more.
Roland VersaWorks Dual RIP will be available in South Africa in 2017.