Right stuff has carried out an extensive eco-friendly process in the last few months that will ensure its customers are buying the most eco-friendly portable event branding currently on the market in South Africa.
Over 90% of the frames used and sold by Right Stuff, use aluminium, a 100% recyclable product. Many companies still predominantly use glass fibre – a product that takes thousands of years to break down to a natural state and is harmful to the environment and humans while being made and currently cannot be recycled.
All of Right Stuff’s soft materials, such as Polyester fabrics, and waste from the manufacturing process are being up-cycled into a range of corporate gift type products such as a laptop and tablet bags, cell phone accessories and upmarket shopping bags.
To facilitate this up cycling procedure Right Stuff has linked up with Eyako Green, a Green Corporate Gifts supplier, that currently has community enterprise type factories reprocessing and selling this product with the Eko TM Label in Durban and Johannesburg – with Cape Town to follow within a year.
Over 80% of Right Stuff’s products now use green inks and a certificate is available to any client who would like this crucial paperwork. The company has also developed its own green label, which is used to readily identify Right Stuff products in the marketplace.