Riedewaan Salie: A ‘First Responder’ Of Print

Riedewaan Salie- A 'First Responder' Of Print
Riedewaan Salie, Altron Document Solutions.

In the ever-changing world of print and document tech, Altron Document Solutions stands tall as a leading force, shaping the future of printing across Africa. At the heart of this success lies a team of dedicated individuals, each bringing their unique expertise and passion to the table.

Among these key members is Riedewaan Salie, District Technical Manager. Here we discover more about his many years in the industry and what makes him tick.

Riedewaan’s 38-year career journey began at the age of 19, when he went for an interview at a company that produced electronic typewriters, ‘I did very well in the exams, having always had an eye for, and understanding of, electronics and how things are put together. They then passed my name on to Xerox and I received a call, not even really knowing then who or what Xerox was. I went for an interview, got the job and have never looked back.’

‘You know, in the movies, when a guy looks at something and takes it apart automatically? I look at things that way. I can look at something and just know how they made it or how they joined it here and there. I’ve just always had an eye for anything technical.’

Riedewaan recalls being a part of a global Xerox initiative in 1986 called the Courtesy Service Representative (CSR) programme – a programme that turned out to be very successful in South Africa, in particular. He attributes that success to the simple fact that ‘they employed the right people. And of the 11 guys, each and every one is still in the industry. Some are leaders; in fact most are high up wherever they are.’

Now 58 and a leader in his own right, Riedewaan has meticulously carved out a meaningful career through his passion for technology and problem-solving – one that has evolved to encompass a depth of understanding of printing processes and equipment that few in the industry can match today.

As a District Technical Manager, Riedewaan is responsible for the Western Cape’s PSG (Printing Services Group) department – ‘all the top-end, multimillion-rand equipment.’

In a nutshell, ‘I run a team of guys and we provide customers with smiles,’ he said, explaining that ‘when you service a customer’s equipment, he’s under stress, he needs to get the job out, and then ‘boom’ that magic moment when the machine begins to run again, when that smile comes in, that is what delights me.’

Besides the satisfaction of building and maintaining strong relationships with his clients, Riedewaan most values being part of an exceptional team of industry stalwarts at Altron Document Solutions, ‘Between me, my supervisor and my senior tech, for instance, we have more than 100 years of knowledge and experience between us. And I’m still active in the field. I still fix equipment, even though I’m a regional manager, but that’s not the point. The point is I know what I’m doing. The guys that work with me know what they’re doing. They’re always available, always switched on. We’re the first responders of print.’

In response to those who profess ‘doom and gloom’ for the future of print, Riedewaan maintains that while digital communication has undoubtedly grown in prominence, it hasn’t and won’t render print obsolete, ‘Hard copies are wonderful things. Here I am, printing 13,000,000 images a month, just in Cape Town.’

In terms of the rise of AI and ever-changing print technology, Riedewaan had this to say, ‘With today’s printers, the foundation is there and it’s good – we just keep adding more trimmings to help with efficiencies and machine capabilities.’

When he’s not at the office or seeing customers, you’ll find Riedewaan in the steam room at the gym. ‘I’m addicted to it,’ he laughed. He’s also a keen family man, describing himself as ‘homely’ – ‘I like to spend time with my wife, children and extended family.’ A long-time Liverpool fan, Riedewaan enjoys the intricacies of the game, having played competitively as a striker himself.

Is there a mantra he lives by? ‘There are a few significant things in my life that I’ve heard, but the one that stays with me is: ‘It’s always better to have half of something than to have all of nothing.’ That’s my attitude.’

A beach in Mauritius or the Seychelles would be first prize as a holiday destination for a man whose phone has ‘been on 24 hours a day, since 1993’, but no matter where you find Riedewaan Salie, one thing is certain – there are those individuals who quietly shape an industry and leave an indelible mark on it for generations to come – and he is a prime example.

+27 11 928 9111

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