Rexx Screen And Digital Supplies Showcased Desktop Roll-Fed DTF Bundle At Sign Africa Cape Town Expo

Rexx Screen And Digital Supplies Showcased Desktop Roll-Fed DTF Bundle At Sign Africa Cape Town Expo

Rexx Screen & Digital Supplies exhibited at the recently held Sign Africa Cape Town Expo, which was held from 3-4 May at the CTICC.

At the stand was the new Erasmart desktop roll-fed DTF. Included is the printer, an upgraded roll/sheet handling system that is robust and purpose-built for superior performance. It features a removable cover for easier access during maintenance, automated stability systems for ink agitation and recirculation, and upgraded printhead logic board placement for reduced risk of circuit board failure.

Also included is a curing oven that features contact heating (the whole heating plate is heated), lower melting temperature, which means melting is more uniform with a stronger adhesion, as well as a countdown reminder to check the melting state.

The revolutionary Rexx DTF systems are easy to use and are available from entry level A4 size through to automatic 30cm and 60cm wide roll-to-roll solutions, allowing anyone to cost-effectively create a digitally printed transfer, which can be applied to a vast range of products and textiles.

These include: cotton, polyester, nylon, spandex, leather and many more via a heatpress. Added to this, users can achieve incredible opacity even though it is a thin, soft and flexible film. The wash durability is outstanding and proven with industry standard wash tests.

The printing ink system is water-based. It is digitally printed onto a special PET film after which there is the application of a powder PU adhesive, creating a bright, soft and durable transfer. The ease of use and incredibly economical consumable costs that these systems exhibit gives it many advantages over paper-based laser systems and many other existing transfer solutions. It is quick, easy, durable and flexible. The systems allow users to start an affordable and professional branding business from home.

The event was sponsored by Platinum sponsors Roland DG South Africa and Stixo Signage Supplies.

Tel: Cape Town +27 21 510 5665, WhatsApp: +27 79 249 3071 / Johannesburg +27 10 597 3441, WhatsApp: +27 60 898 5336


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