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Our front cover of the Sign Africa Journal features the most affordable Channel Letter Bending machine in the world. The Accu-Bend Ace is available from Channel Letter Bender, the world leader in channel letter bending machines. Made with top-quality components, high-grade materials and the latest technology, Accu-Bend continues to set the industry standard.

Other feature articles include:

Liquid laminates and coatings – looking at applications and benefits.
How do you go the distance in the digital world?
Transfer printing: recognising and resolving problems.
A stretch of the imagination.
3D applications.
Inkjet printers, signage, cutters and laminators, ink and substrates – Dr Nicholas Hellmuth reviews the FESPA Africa and Sign Africa expo.
Creating a geometric fashion mannequin in CorelDRAW.
FESPA Africa and Sign Africa report highest visitor attendance to date – all the highlights from the event.

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