Read The Latest Sign Africa Journal Online

Read The Latest Sign Africa Journal Online

The front cover of the January/February edition of Sign Africa Journal highlights STIXO Signage Supplies, and how the company has always been on a mission to be a reliable and trustworthy supplier to the signage and construction industry, prioritising the importance of always being well stocked across all categories. 

Other features include:

Why top manufacturers are funding 3D printing research

In recent years, manufacturing giants like GE, Toyota and Siemens have been partnering with academia to advance the use of 3D printing, which is also known as additive manufacturing.

What is an anti-mentor and what can they teach you?

Kristin Mento, Topic Print Imagination, says she was taught more by ‘anti-mentors’ than mentors throughout her career, and it was these experiences that passionately drove her to become a better leader and mentor for future creatives.

Printing and publishing companies should take up the challenge to achieve net-zero

Laurel Brunner of the Verdigris Project writes that ISO have recently published a document to help those in the printing industry make a start in achieving net-zero.

The importance of recognition in the workplace

It’s important for employees to be complimented or recognised for their work. John Tschohl of the Service Quality Institute recently asked a friend how often, during her career, she had experienced this. Her response? ‘Not often enough.’

Download a PDF of the magazine here.


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