The latest edition of Sign Africa Journal is online. The front cover story focuses on Kolok Graphic Supplies’ announcement that it is now a distributor for HEXIS in South Africa. HEXIS, a leading manufacturer of self-adhesive films used for visual communication, is celebrating 30 years of innovation this year.
Other features include:
ISO 21632 for calculating the energy usage of digital printing devices
It’s got a long and clumsy title, but what ISO 21632 (Graphic technology — Determination of the energy consumption of digital printing devices including transitional and related modes) can do for the graphics industry has nothing to do with clumsiness.
How large format printers and sign shops can achieve cost-effective colour
Achieving good colour and spot colours reliably and consistently is easier than you may think and there are a number of practical measures that can be taken that will directly affect the bottom line.
Corel Aftershot 3 HDR: manage and edit your photos like a pro
Welcome to 2019. From all of us here at Sign Africa Journal, we wish you a prosperous trip around the sun. We thought: new year, new tools. Now Corel ships with a truckload of bundled goodies that offer us creatives great value.
3D printing adds new dimension to traditional channel letters
Let’s face it, whether you’re selling a product or service, it has never been harder to attract the attention of your target audience than it is today. A recent Forbes article stated that digital marketing experts believe the average American is exposed to a staggering 4000 to 10,000 adverts every day.
Substrate roundup: balancing cost and performance
Knowing your options helps you get the most value from the materials. When it comes to substrates for signs, you have plenty of possibilities. A quick count on the website of a major sign supplier yields over 90 different signage substrate materials.
Roll up your sleeves and become relevant to your customers
You’re not going to succeed through manufacturing, distribution or information power — those have all been commoditised. If you want to succeed, roll up your sleeves and do the work of building your customer experience.
Different structures for UV-curing printers
Using over 20 years of studying and evaluating UV-curing printers, FLAAR and DPI Magazine outlines the different structures of UV-curing printers.
Sign Africa (+27 11) 450 1650