Read The Latest Online And Interactive Sign Africa Journal


Read the newest edition of Sign Africa Journal, which brings you updates on the latest industry news. The magazine features exclusive product specials and informative features.

Front cover story 

The front cover story focuses on Amrod, which has invested in two HP S1000 printers as well as a Zünd G3 XL-3200 from Midcomp. The new technology will greatly enhance both general output, as well as Amrod’s new display division, which launched on 20 August.

Understanding the importance of workflow in printing

Workflow should be the infrastructure that allows you to do the most work at the least cost, but over time the solutions put in place to meet a specific set of needs, job types and clients begins to wear and rub. Before you write that cheque for a new workflow solution, do a self-assessment that starts with a walk through your workflow.

How print trumps digital in winning trust

We all understand that successful marketing often appeals to our emotions, but it is easy to overlook the importance of the marketing medium in triggering those feelings. Our emotions are intrinsically bound up with all our physical senses, which is giving rise to new schools of thought around ‘sensory marketing’, focused on reaching consumers through all five senses.

Spotlight On 3D printing during Covid-19

3D printing is classified as a critical service as it can be used to manufacture health-related products, supplies, devices and equipment. We are seeing the importance of this technology, especially during the Coronavirus outbreak, with 3D hobbyists and larger manufacturers printing face masks, face shields, mask adjusters, nasal swabs, hands-free door openers, respirator parts and more.

Choose your graphics carefully for the biggest impact

Retailers and other public-facing companies need to grab their customers’ attention – and not just once, but time and time again to retain an ongoing and loyal relationship.

The importance of sustainability in the textile industry

In this Q&A discussion, Simon Daplyn – Marketing Manager at Sensient Imaging Technologies – is joined by Felipe Simeoni, Marketing Manager at Global Química and Moda to discuss the challenges, and opportunities, facing the textile industry in the shift towards more sustainable ways of working.

Show sincere interest in every customer during a crisis

Many people respond to a crisis by being overwhelmed by stress, which turns to fear. It is easy to be afraid when you’re in this situation, but if you remain brave, everyone around you will be too, and together you will be able to turn anything around.

How big is textile printing’s environmental impact?

Clothing will become an increasingly important concern as digital printing technologies start nibbling away at the traditional textile printing space.

Value is key to winning customers

You have to focus on adding value to customers’ businesses right now. Nobody has money to spare in this fragmented lockdown that’s been thrust upon us, but everyone is looking for the same thing.

Use different technologies to extend print service offerings

This is an unprecedented period for most businesses – especially those in an industry that can be competitive and tough-going at the best of times. Despite the obvious challenges print providers continue to face, by leveraging their strengths and capabilities, there may be opportunities to be seized – both currently as we continue to endure restrictions and lockdowns, as well as when we finally put the coronavirus in the rearview mirror.

Download a PDF of the magazine here.

Sign Africa Journal

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