Printing SA Updates Industry On Essential Services, VAT Liability And More


Printing SA has updated the industry with notices following the president’s recent speech.

On Thursday 23 April, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the country would resume economic activity in a phased approach from 1 May 2020. Although the statement brought about much relief for sectors of the economy that will be allowed to resume operations, Printing SA felt that the published list of sectors that would be eligible for this reprieve was rather vague and did not explicitly categorise our industry as one which had been factored in the determination of these critical sectors.

Since the address, Printing SA have fielded numerous requests from members wanting to find out if the printing, packaging and signage sectors had been included under one of the listed sectors in an indirect and implied manner. In light of these numerous requests, we will be submitting an official request for clarity on this matter to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and await further feedback as to which sub-sectors in relation to our industry, can resume operations on the 1st May 2020. As it is cognisant of the urgency of relaying the final decision to its members, Printing SA will be working around the clock to solicit a response from the DTI over the next few days.

Printing SA is however aware of the Minister of the DTI’s announcement to notify the nation of the sectors that have been accommodated under this new regulation on the 25 April 2020 at 10am.

Printing SA anticipate that this will not bring about the clarity that it seeks, therefore as per the President’s announcement where government will welcome submissions from industry bodies, Printing SA wish to make a case for its sectors inclusion even after this announcement. Printing SA therefore urge its members to keep a close eye on further updates from them in this regard.

Printing SA would however want to reiterate that stage 4 will only commence on 1 May 2020, which does not mean a full resumption of operations, but merely companies beginning the 1st phase of the process of implementing measures to take the necessary precautions to become operational i.e. deep cleaning of premises, sourcing of the appropriate PPE for employees, issuing of documentation required by employees to resume working, drafting of policies and prevention spectrum that will govern OHS particularly with a focus on COVID-19, before becoming fully operational. Members are NOT currently allowed to begin these processes until 1 May 2020.

Additional updates from Printing SA:

The consequence of VAT or PAYE non-payment at the end of April

In the next two weeks, many businesses are going to have to make tough decisions on which creditors to pay. Some of these payments are by debit order, and even though one might consider them deferrable, they will be paid automatically. In the end, as is common with businesses in a cashflow crunch, the final choices will be between net salaries to staff, PAYE and VAT. Read more

Further tax measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic

In line with the President’s address to the nation on 21 April 2020, the Minister of Finance provides more detail on the second set of measures that aim to assist individuals and businesses through the pandemic. There is a critical need for government interventions to assist with job retention and support businesses that may be experiencing significant distress. The following set of measures will help businesses focus on staying afloat and paying their employees and suppliers. Assisting businesses now will ensure that our economy is in a better position to recover once the health crisis starts to subside.

The information contained herein is of a general nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. Applicability of the information to specific situations should be determined through consultation with your tax adviser. Read more.

New strategies and live webinars to reignite you

Innovation around 3D printing resourcefulness became vital in assisting the manufacturing of medical equipment components especially during this unprecedented outbreak of global pandemic COVID-19. Find free webinars below you can tune in to stimulate your mind.

How is the 3D printing community responding to COVID-19?

As COVID-19 pandemic takes hold over the globe, we see countries implementing travel restrictions, social distancing measures, and work from home policies. Even the more developed countries are seeing their healthcare systems overloaded and fatigued by COVID-19.

In the more severe cases of the respiratory illness, patients may require specialist respirators to take over the role of the lungs. These respirators are in short supply, however, along with medical personnel, hospital space and other personal safety equipment required to treat patients. Read more

Strategy meets the Coronavirus

Stores and offices are mostly closed. Telecommuting is the norm. Consumers buy what they can online. When the crisis ends, will companies willingly spend large sums of money on big offices? Will employees accept the daily commute and consumers shop in physical stores? Will the economy return to business as usual? Read more

FutureHow: Reimagining Our Collective Future in the COVID-19 Reset

Futurespace wants to help you to stay up to date, feel connected and make the best use of the remote working lifestyle. During this time of social distancing, don’t be isolated, join, connect and learn together. Below two webinars will help you to stimulate your mind and pivot your businesses:

21 and 22 April: Global Virtual Summit bought to you by Future Females

24 April: FutureHow – Reimagining Our Collective Future in the Covid Reset bought to you by Daily Maverick

RESET, REBUILD, REIGNITE: A business owner’s response to a crisis

The habits, models, engagements and staffing that earned success in business pre-lockdown will not be the same that lead to success post-lockdown. Now is the time to take the actions needed to reshape and rebuild that business into relevance. In the 60 minute webinar with Pavlo Phitidis you’ll gain insights into this.

Think Digital: A curriculum dedicated to COVID-19 recovery

As we confront unforeseen challenges on a global scale due to the ever-evolving impacts of COVID-19, strong leadership like yours is more important than ever. Think Digital, May 5 – 6, is a highly concentrated, free, online event focused on helping you lead through uncertain times and help your organisation adapt to changing situations. Click to view the list of Think sessions.

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