Printing SA Launching TT Skills Pool Project


Printing SA is launching a TT skills pool project for their members in 2015. The purpose of the project is to create a skills pool of good quality calibre apprentices to be offered to the industry after they have successfully completed screening, testing and certain courses.

Printing SA understands the cost implications for its members when recruiting and indenturing apprentices. The largest cost implication is the recruitment, selection and retention of the apprentices up to TT1 level. Apprentices often drop out before they reach TT1 or simply do not successfully complete TT1.

This project will entail Printing SA conducting the following:
• Advertising.
• Screening and interviewing candidates.
• Psychometric Tests including colour perception.
• Introduction to Printing.
• TT1.

Only successful candidates who pass TT1 will be offered to the industry. Printing SA will apply for funding of these apprentices with the FP&M SETA. The responsibility then lies with Printing SA to identify the member companies who will be allocated these grants. The condition to receiving the grant is that all points listed in this article must be conducted by Printing SA.

Printing SA will also assist the company in completing all necessary documentation and will check and submit to the SETA on their behalf. This additional service is aimed at alleviating the company from all perceived ‘red tape’ and bureaucracy when indenturing an apprentice.

The FP&M SETA fully supports the initiative and will consider increasing the number of grants being allocated to the industry.

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