Printing SA Hosting Central Chamber Golf Day

Printing SA Hosting Central Chamber Golf Day

It has been 10 years since Printing SA’s Central Chamber hosted a golf day for its members. Printing SA has heeded the call from its members to reinstate this once prestigious event, and is hosting a golf day on 10 March.

The profession of being a printer is highly demanding and stressful in nature, even more so in the past three years. Printers work long hours all week without taking time to relax and have fun. This event is targeted at members, non-members, stakeholders, and their clients.

Printing SA aims to create an environment where players can kick off the year with a round of golf at one of South Africa’s premier golf courses. The event will be an opportunity for sponsors to interact with players and present their products or service offerings in an informal setting.

Date: 10 March
Tee-off: 11am
Format: 4 Ball Betterball Stableford
Venue: Glendower Golf Club

The event will be followed by prize giving, raffle and dinner and drinks. Book here.

Tel: +27 11 287 1160
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