Printing SA Announces Training And Upliftment Initiatives For 2015


Printing SA has been running a number of various ongoing projects aimed at the upliftment of the industry.

The projects include:

Digital Printing Courses

Printing SA has been in close discussion with the Digital sector since early 2014 to develop a framework of suitable modules for the sector. Currently, there are no formal digital courses available in the industry. The aim of the project is to increase the skills pool for the digital sector. The courses will be aimed at new entrants to the industry as well as those currently in the industry who wish to up-skill themselves in specific areas.

The framework consists of the following modules, which will take place in July 2015:
1.Introduction to Digital Printing.
2.DTP and File Design.
6.Overview of machines.

WITS Printing and Packaging Courses

The WITS Business Management Programme (BMP) and the Management Development Programme (MDP) was a huge success for the industry in 2014.

The following number of students were trained during the year:
Group 1- BMP programme took place from 13 May-20 November 2014 in Johannesburg and had 18 students, nine of which were awarded bursaries.

Group 2- MDP programme took place from 13 May-20 November 2014 in Johannesburg and had 18 students, eight of which were awarded bursaries.

Group 3- BMP programme took place from 22 September 2014-March 2015 in Kwa-Zulu Natal and had 23 students who were all awarded bursaries.

Group 4- BMP programme took place from 20 October 2014-April 2015 in Johannesburg and had 20 students, 17 of which were awarded bursaries.

The last two BMP programmes will be graduating during June and July 2015. Printing SA applied for funding from the FP&M SETA and were able to train a total of 56 students employed in the Printing and Packaging industry.

The WITS Printing and Packaging Courses programmes will be rolled out again in the three regions from August 2015.

For more information on the programmes, contact Shallon Mphasane,

The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Trade curriculum development projects are currently in place:

The QCTO is the body managing the curriculum development of all trades and occupation qualification. PRINTING SA applied in 2014 to be the Development Quality Partner (DQP), funded by the FP&M SETA. This role requires the management of the qualification development.

The entire process requires the DQP to identify Quality Development Facilitators (QDF’s) who will develop the curriculum together with the experts of the industry. There is a working group and a stakeholder group. The working is involved in the actual development of the curriculum, whereas the stakeholder group reviews the content developed for the curriculum and provides input into the process. This group is unable to be part of the actual working group.

Printing SA is developing the following trades:

  • Sheetfed Lithography: curriculum has been developed and has been submitted on 8 April to SAQA for registration.
  • Bookbinding Hard cover and Soft Cover: Practical Modules will be discussed at the next workshop on 21/22 May. The Occupation Profile and Knowledge Modules have already been developed.
  • Carton Maker: project commenced in May 2015.
  • Corrugated Board Manufacturer/Printing and Finishing: the Occupation Profile has been developed and the working group is currently developing the Knowledge Modules. 
  • Electronic Pre-Press Knowledge: Modules were discussed on 5/6 May. Five trade qualifications will be developed under this trade: Electronic Pre-Press Lithography, Screen Printing, Flexography and Gravure. One occupational curriculum will be developed: the Printing Platemaker.
  • Heatset Rotary Offset Lithography: The Occupation Profile and Knowledge Modules have been developed. The next workshop will take place in June 2015.
  • Coldset Rotary Offset Lithography: The Occupation Profile and Knowledge Modules have been developed. The next workshop will take place in June 2015.
  • Rotary Re-Reeling Flexography: The Occupation Profile and Knowledge Modules have been developed. The next workshop will take place in June 2015.

Should you wish to obtain the content being developed for the trades above or more information on the process, contact: Natalia Economides on, +27 (0) 71 234 2162. 

Rural Screen Printing

The Rural Screen Printing project was a great success in 2014. Printing SA held a follow up meeting with the women in December to determine how they have been using their skills and to discuss setting up multi-colour screen printing training. In 2014, the women were only taught single colour combined with an Entrepreneurship programme.

A costing and marketing workshop was held in April 2015. This course assisted the women in understanding how they should set up their costs for the products as well as how to market their business. Rhode has identified an expert in the industry who will be able to assist with the multi-colour screen printing training and to provide more assistance to the women with regard to establishing their businesses.

Rhode has also been working with the Rays of Hope organisation, which does a lot of work in Alexandra township. Ten women will be identified from the community to be trained on both single and multi-colour screen printing. Printing SA has applied for funding to roll out the project nationally during the second half of the year.

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