Printing SA Announces Latest Industry Updates

Printing SA Announces Latest Industry Updates

Printing SA’s latest announcements include the Business Turnaround and Recovery Programme, training courses and more.

Business Turnaround and Recovery Programme

The programme is an improvement turnaround initiative funded by the Department of Labour through Productivity SA.

This Programme is aimed at preventing job losses, improving profitability and implements turnaround strategies to support companies facing operational difficulties. Its purpose is to increase overall productivity and improve organisational structures, but most importantly, save and retain jobs and make the organisation productive through various interventions.

This programme is fully funded by the South African government, while the Ossymdor Group has been retained by Productivity SA as consultants, to assist with this process. Click on the link to complete the survey.

Training courses

– Colour management elearning: 1-30 November 2021. Find out more.

– Technical theoretical module 3 (TT3): registration closes 10 December 2021. Find out more.

– Introduction to printing course (ID2): registration closes 28 January 2022. Find out more.

– Technical theoretical modules (TT1): registration closes 29 January 2022. Find out more.

– Adobe InDesign CC Advanced: registration closes 11 February 2022. Find out more.

Printing SA part-time lecturers

Printing SA is looking for part-time lecturers in the fields of prepress, printing, packaging, flexible packaging, print finishing, and soft and hardcover bookbinding. If you would like an opportunity to mould the industry’s next-generation, click here.

Revised companies amendment bill out for public comment

The Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition published the amended Companies Amendment Bill for public comment on 1 October 2021. The Bill is to amend the Companies Act, 2008. This follows the draft Companies Amendment Bill published in 2018. Read the full document.

Consolidated direction on occupational health and safety measures in the workplace 

With the Disaster Management Act still in place, Printing SA reminds companies of the requirement put in place by Government to ensure Covid-19 safety in the workplace and the provisions which must be undertaken by the employer. Read the full government notice.

Tel: +27 11 287 1160
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