Printing SA Announces Industry Updates For July


The IEC has released its latest tender related to ballot paper printing for the local Government Elections. Companies are required to submit the bid by completing the relevant forms and depositing their bid in the tender box at the Electoral Commission’s address before 11:00 am on 21 July 2021.

Interested companies who have security printing capability can bid as part of this tender process. For further information and details, please visit the Vota Quotes website. Find out more.

Printing SA training courses

Adobe Photoshop CC Intermediate

The course builds on competencies acquired in the Essentials module and further enhances proficiency in prepress and print. The course is also aligned to the specifications of the new QCTO Electronic Pre-press Technician Qualifications. Registration for the course closes on 16 July. Learn more and register.

Technical Theoretical Module 1 (TT1)

Registration is open. Printing SA encourages all apprentices to register as the course provides candidates with the underpinning knowledge required to competently perform the practical tasks required in terms of the CBMT programme. You can find out more about this course and register on the Printing SA website. Learn more and register.

Business Management Programme (BMP) and Management Development Programme (MDP)

Printing SA has collaborated with Wits University to offer a Business Management Programme (BMP) and a Management Development Programme (MDP). These programmes are aimed at identifying, nurturing and equipping candidates who possess leadership qualities with the skills needed to become efficient managers. Learn more and register.

The latest government legislation and regulatory news 

Reminder: Extension To Comment on the Proposed Employment Equity (EE) Sector Targets

Printing SA has been granted an extension until 23 July 2021 to comment on the proposed EE Sector Targets. This extension allows those who have not been able to comment to do so, as the proposed targets will have far-reaching implications for businesses.

The Department of Employment and Labour (DoEL) had recently engaged with Printing SA and companies within the printing, publishing and reproduction of recorded media sector to consult on setting EE Sector Targets.

For Printing SA to make a fair representation on behalf of their members, they require urgent input on Circular EE002. Please read the important contents of this Circular EE002 and submit your responses by no later than 9 July 2021 to Khanyi Ntanzi –

Amendment of Notice – Information Regulator: Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act No. 4 of 2013)

The Information Regulator has amended the commencement date of section 58(2) of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (No.4 of 2013), as contained in the Government Notice No.44383 published in Government Gazette No. 297 of 1 April 2021. Read the full notice.

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