Printing SA Announces Further Industry Updates For July

Printing SA’s Latest Industry Updates Include Printing Courses, Online Summit And More

The Department of Employment and Labour is currently consulting with various sectors and will be finalising their proposal to set the Employment Equity (EE) Sector Target.

For Printing SA to make a fair representation on behalf of its members, it requires their urgent input on Circular EE003. Please read the important contents of this Circular EE003 and submit your responses by no later than 20 July 2021 to Khanyi Ntanzi:

On 6 July 2021, the Department of Employment and Labour (DoEL) invited the manufacturing of wood and product of wood, furniture, cork, articles of straw, plaiting materials, paper and paper products sub-sector to discuss the setting of Employment Equity (EE) Sector Target. This follows a previous consultation meeting held on 26 May 2021 with the manufacturing of printing, publishing and reproduction of recorded media sub-sector.

The Employment Equity Amendment Bill requires the minister to consult with economic sectors when setting numerical targets to achieve employment equity. The consultation with all relevant stakeholders within sectors was the call from businesses because allowing the minister to impose such targets without significant consultation will result in a one-size-fits-all approach. If you had already made responses to the first request, you are not required to make any additional responses.

Printing SA training courses

Introduction to Printing Course (ID2)

The course (ID2) introduces candidates to the various prepress, printing and post press processes used in the printing and packaging industry. This course provides candidates with insight into the wonderfully diverse industry that they have entered and provides the necessary underpinning knowledge that CBMT Apprentices will need when furthering their technical theoretical studies. Learn more and register.

Labour law workshops

These workshops focus on identifying the requirements outlined in Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act concerning the application of discipline in the workplace, and much more. Registration closes on 1 October 2021. Learn more and register.

SATU notice National Alert 4 and SATU contact

In response to these regulations and in the interests of the safety of SATU members in your employ and their families, the Union is requesting that all firms that plan to operate during this time comply with the regulations and issue the necessary certificates if essential services are conducted at businesses. Printing SA also implore that workers are provided with declaration forms for citizen movement as this will allow them to travel to work.

Read the SATU circular
SATU contact details 

Tel: +27 11 287 1160
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