Optimus Dash Sales Manager Making African Launch At Fespa Africa 2015


Optimus will launch the new dash Sales Manager for the first time in Africa at FESPA Africa and Sign Africa 2015, taking place from 22-24 July at Gallagher Convention Centre.

Dash Sales Manager includes a dashboard showing the User key alerts of information about the Customers and Prospects assigned to them. Alerts are colour coded to ensure the priority is clear and correct action is taken.

Nicola Bisset, Optimus Group Managing Director said, ‘We continue to expand the award winning Optimus dash MIS to ensure that MIS is no longer just a production tool, but can also help our Customers increase sales activity and maximise opportunities without increasing costs.

‘Dash Sales Manager Module contains all information required to assist in planning sales activities, pursuing new sales and responding to Customer enquiries instantly. In keeping with the Lean Ethos, we have ensured that there is no duplication of effort. Complete transparency of Sales Activities and Customer Contact in a simple and easy to use web application.'

The contacts within dash Sales Manager include both Customers and Prospects. Lists are defined and available as a global view for the Sales Manager or, for the Sales Staff User, only those Customers and Prospects assigned to them. When clicking on an individual record, all information held about the Contact is available including note fields which can be completed and activities raised.

For existing customers, additional information is available with minimal clicks that include: Pending Enquiries (Estimates); Active Jobs; Proofs outstanding; Deliveries scheduled; Invoices issued and Customer owned stock levels.

Information displayed can easily be drilled down, for example, if the user chooses an active job, they are able to view the job and where it is in production. This is an invaluable aid in responding to Customer queries instantly.

For Prospective Customers, all Organisations, Contacts within the Organisations and Locations are available. If Enquiries (Estimates) have been sent and not yet ordered, these are displayed to trigger action and follow up.

Organisations, Contacts and Locations for both existing Customers and Prospects are available to Export to spreadsheet at the touch of a button, enabling the preparation of Targeted Sales Campaigns, thereby ensuring all customers and prospects are kept informed of latest offers and products.

Sales Budgets can be assigned to each Customer & Prospect and are monitored by Customer, by Prospect or by Sales Representative assigned. Monthly budgets are entered with a cumulative running balance available. Actual sales invoiced are viewed against budget with variances highlighted, keeping you in total control of projected sales.

Dash Sales Manager includes a Sales Activity Calendar, either ‘My Calendar’ for the user or ‘All’ for the Sales Manager to see the activities of the Sales Force. The calendar is populated with Activities required, each Activity can be dragged and dropped to re-schedule and when hovering over, the action required is easily visible. Alternatively by clicking on the activity, a form is presented and the user can fulfil and mark as completed.

All activities are colour coded for simple visual representation of the action required. The calendar can also synchronise with other applications such as Google Calendar and Outlook. Dash Sales Manager Calendar can be displayed as a day or week view with the list of activities presented for effective time management and control.

All Activities raised in the dash Sales Manager Calendar automatically updates the Optimus Cloud Mobile Calendar ensuring that reps on the road are kept up to date on activities required. Cloud Mobile gives the sales rep the tools to be able to capture instant buying decisions in front of their customer. All activity completed in Cloud Mobile automatically appears in Optimus dash MIS, giving full transparency and maximum efficiency.

Entrance to the expo is free. Pre-register online and attend the expo, and you could win R1000 cash.

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