Onyx Announces 11.1 Software


Onyx Graphics has released Onyx 11.1 software. This release has added six new features to further streamline wide format workflow for professional print service providers.

Onyx 11.1 software is available for the full Onyx Graphics product line including Onyx Thrive™ workflow software and Onyx ProductionHouse™, OnyxPosterShop® and Onyx RIPCentre™ RIP software.

Known for providing innovation in colour, Onyx Graphics designed Onyx 11.1 software to offer users the ability to improve colour output quality by taking advantage of the new, expanded gamut ink control included in the colour profiling module. This expanded colour gamut gives users the ability to easily match corporate colours, achieve deeper darks and print a wider range of colours.

Additional colour enhancements in Onyx 11.1 include simplified spot colour ink restriction with the new dynamic multi-channel ink restriction swatches, enabling users to enhance output quality without sacrificing colour. For example, users can control the starting point of orange and other HiFi inks to eliminate grainy output with multi-channel ink restriction swatches. Automation enhancements incorporated into Onyx 11.1 include unit sizing and disproportionate scaling in Job Properties as well as mirror and print reflection control.  Automation of these features saves time by simplifying job preparation and reduces costly errors.

A new cut path previewing feature improves user confidence in printed output before submitting images to production. The ability to preview cut paths in Job Editor, RIP-Queue and Job Properties modules is combined with a new, cut-only workflow. This new workflow is important for users primarily handling cut vinyl, enabling them to import jobs directly into the cut-server module without the extra step of printing.

Onyx PosterShop 11.1 software now includes the functionality to generate colour profiles. Custom ICC profile creation enables users to optimise their colour output by generating profiles for their unique print environment. The Onyx Profile Generation module is simple, easy and automated with the ONYX Print > Read > Next workflow. Powerful tools are also available to control and fine-tune advanced colour profiles.

Onyx Thrive 11.1 workflow software includes the latest Adobe® PDF Print Engine (APPE) 3.2 for a true end-to-end PDF workflow. According to Adobe, APPE 3 combines performance optimisations with a new scalable framework to power high-speed digital presses and large format printers. Print service providers will benefit from the fastest rendering platform for reliable reproduction of complex, graphically-rich content.

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