New Printing SA Appointments Will Further Uplift The Federation

Jermaine Naicker and Susan Petersen.

Printing SA is pleased to announce the recent appointments of Jermaine Naicker and Susan Petersen to chamber managers of their respective regions. Printing SA congratulate Naicker and Petersen on their new appointments and trust that they will continue to enjoy members’ support. The organisation also hopes they will apply their leadership skills and business acumen to further uplift the federation.

Having been identified as the regional chamber manager designate earlier this year, Jermaine Naicker was promoted to the position of KZN chamber manager, effective from 1 April. Naicker has been the KZN chamber member services consultant for the past three years and during this time he has shown great maturity, professionalism and a sound knowledge for the industry. Naicker believes in the words of Eliyahu Goldratt, ‘Good luck is when opportunity meets preparation, while bad luck is when lack of preparation meets reality.’

Susan Petersen was appointed to the position of acting regional manager, Cape Chamber, in October 2018. Petersen joined Printing SA in July 2017 in the position of Cape chamber member services consultant. There was therefore no doubt that when the opportunity arose, Petersen would be the person for the job and Printing SA is proud to announce her promotion to Cape chamber manager, which was effective from 1 April. Petersen’s personal ambition is to be creative, modern, to stay one step ahead and to enjoy life to the fullest.

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