New Colorgate Module Boosts Colour Performance For Embedded RIPs

Colorgate DFEPM module boosts colour performance for embedded RIPs.

The new DFE Profiler Module (DFEPM) generates a special ICC profile which, in addition to the usual colour characterisation, also contains the process colour control and thus combines all the necessary information for the entire calibration workflow.

In this way, not only the ink lay down but also the combination of the process colours is regulated in detail and an optimum image reproduction is made possible. With the DFEPM – an extension of the well-proven Profiler Module (PFM) – the company offers a new method for ICC-characterisation of digital printing systems that have their own Digital Front End (DFE) and an integrated ICC-compatible RIP.

This extended ICC profile can be used variably in all DFEs and RIPs that work with output ICC profiles. The created profiles can be used flexibly as input as well as output profile and also for proofing. With the DFEPM, ColorGATE thus offers the option of taking advantage of the optimised ColorGATE linearisation even with alternative RIP systems and in external printing environments.

To run the DFEPM, the Linearisation Assistant is required as well as an OMS, including a printer driver, which can generate print data during profiling in a format that can be processed by the specific DFE (e.g. PDF flat low/high-res or TIFF low/high-res).

Colour Performance Booster for DFE embedded RIPs

• Creates extended ICC-compliant profiles ensuring sophisticated colour and ink laydown control for digital presses with embedded RIPs.
• Resulted ICC contains the process colour calibration, ink limit and linearisation in addition to the usual colour characterisation.
• For flexible use in all DFEs and RIPs that support ICC based colour management.
• Profile works as input and ouput profile, as well as for proofing.
• DFE Profiler technology supports CMYK, multicolour and any colour printing systems with up to 8 colour channels.


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